Author: Resteghini

Planner • Traveller • Blogger

Trip 2012 – the end of an era

Here we go then for what really should be the last trip of its kind. Seriously (no fingers crossed this time). Times are changing; my family and friends are either getting married or having babies and some of the luckiest ones are doing (or have done) both. I, therefore, have responded to this with an equally responsible and grown-up action – fleeing from that and instead boozing it up on the continent!

Trip 2011 – a first of its kind

I promised earlier this year during our last eurohoon of 2011, changes would need to be made if I was to ever set foot on foreign soil again. You know how the X-factor has been re-vamped with the introduction of some new and fresh looking faces? Well I’ve done the same as this European trip is as different as I could make it. It’s me and a female! (A previously banned word dating back to 2007).

Trip 2011 RS – celebrating 30!

So here we go again then folks. Like all great things, there must be an end. Some say then this could be the final European lads road trip. Sad times indeed, but what a five years or so it’s been. Hardly any lows but many highs! Like of all our past European conquests, (I’m still talking road trips conquests – in case your mind had wondered elsewhere), this trip has its purpose. Let’s quickly review these…

Trip America 2010

Out of Europe and into North America.

From the visionaries that brought you the mighty Trip Europe, here is 2010’s epic adventure…
Fourteen days, six friends, three US States, one or maybe two V6’s – this is Trip America 2010.

Trip Europe 2009

It’s been nearly 2 years since Italia 2007 and it’s time to go back – Europe is calling us! No longer are we newbies to the road-trip scene with a massive 4 Europe driving behind us! This, then, has to be bigger and better than 2007! I took no chances and began planning 6 months prior!

Trip Dubai 2008

Well, it all started with a Christmas present from me to her. The present was a Christmas card and inside was a picture of a Virgin Atlanitc airliner. She looks up at me understandably bewildered: “We’re off to Dubai for a few nights” I announce. And that was that…

Trip Italia 2007

As both myself and my cousin Joe currently own sports cars, we agree that’d it be pretty much a sin not to drive the beasts down to Italy. As there are two seats vacant, it doesn’t take us long to find eager friends that also wish to share this adventure. We set off from Clevedon with both cars crammed with everything except the kitchen sink. I’ve not driven further south than Southampton, let alone North Italy! This is truly a journey into the unknown and I for one, cannot wait!