Day 2 – Tuscany 2011

Planner • Traveller • Blogger

We ended up having a late and expensive evening last night as we foolishly dined near the leaning tower itself so paid a small premium for the privilege. We knew however that we had breakfast included in our price plan at the fabulous Abitalia towers so late night or not, we we’re always gonna get up for breakfast! We set our alarm clock (Kate’s mobile) for 9am, enough time to wake, get dressed and head down to the restaurant.

However that didn’t quite happen…

Yes, the tray of goodies looks very pleasant and yes room service on our balcony was also very pleasant but there’s something missing. I know… hot food! That’s because Madam’s phone was still on UK time so we actually woke an hour later meaning we had actually missed breakfast and had to plead for what you have just seen in front of you! Classic.

Once we’d got over the fact that we’d be eating bread, not bacon, we sat down and made use of the camera’s auto timer to take this happy snap.

Another good thing about this hotel, or rather its policy, is the 13:30 checkout. This allowed us more time by the poolside and the chill out zone before we set off to see the leaning tower but with the added aid of daylight, unlike last night.

Just checkout this view:

Honestly, I can’t tell you the last time I was so charmed by a hotel and its surroundings.
Italians really do, do it best 🙂

Oh, I realised late yesterday that I hadn’t show any pics of our hire car as yet. Think big, think flashy, think exotic, think…


Now add the word’s estate, 5 door, 1.6, diesel.

I’m sure the Trip Europe/America boys are wetting themselves and yes, I can confirm it handles like it looks!

As for the leaning tower, it really was quite stunning and yes, you know what’s coming next:

Not the greatest effort I grant you but starers were everywhere and I hate all that.

With this now accomplished, it was time to head into the mountains as I know Kate has been looking forward to this and asks what about a spontaneous picnic stop along the way deep into the hills?
What about a Mcdonald’s drive through I say in response. She looks at me really funny, almost disappointed – don’t quite get why though…!? 🙂

We ascend into the mountains for what seems an eternity. Mind you, the family wagon is partly to blame for that. We capture pictures that really aren’t done justice by a compact camera lens.

The next picture shows the temperature even gone 7pm! Note that table in the background is about to come in handy…

Local meats, cheese, bread, olives, olive oil, and some mini champagne bottles (we picked up earlier on route) and now sat in the middle of nowhere! Does it get any better we seriously ponder to ourselves. A familiar way of life for my ancestors I’m sure.

By the time we take off its dark and all we are interested in is finding somewhere cheap to rest our heads ready for day 3, tomorrow. That almost worked to plan except the cheap part as we ended up in an affluent ski resort. Typical!

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