Day 1 – Tuscany 2011

Planner • Traveller • Blogger

So having stayed over the night before in the company of my legendary Uncle Andy, his lovely new lady and Switzerland’s finest, Uncle Roberto, we wake ready to take on Luton airport heading for destination: PISA. Say who remembers in Superman 3 when ‘evil’ Superman straightened the sacred leaning tower!?

Anyhow I’m happy to say Kate’s face was one of joy. Despite being very well traveled, Italy has always been a place that has eluded her. Little does she know that we won’t be staying in just Pisa! Oh no, that’s far too ordinary. This of course means only one thing; a hire car!

I soon realise that this is the first time I’ll have driven abroad then a) without my buddies as companions/navigators and b) the only time I’ve driven a local hire car. Normally when we’re over here my butt is sat in some piece of exotica but in right-hand drive guise.
Let me tell you now, driving on the wrong side of the road but now with steering wheel and gears also on the wrong side will take some getting used to!!!

Anyway we make it to the first hotel that I had pre-booked. Imagine her face when we rock up here:

Or better still:

I actually didn’t remember the building being so fancy looking when I pre-booked it so it was actually a pleasant surprise for me too.

It’s now 3pm and it’s 30 degrees C so that means pool time, obviously. We agree that a few hours chillaxing before heading out this evening sounds heavenly so that’s exactly what we do!

Here then is a pleasant view from our hotel balcony.

Here is Madam Minchie enjoying life on an inflatable sofa!

Needless to say we stay out here for a few more hours before we head back to our beautifully decorated room to get ready and have our first bite to eat. Annoyingly I manage to grab a final shot of Katie at our hotel bar before the sodding camera ran out of battery juice! Not an oversight I hope to make again this hols!

Today was a magical day and not one we will ever forget in a hurry.

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