Our Motel 6 is situated in notorious Inglewood. Naively, we assumed Inglewood was just like any other town but hot-lady on the plane Jess (yes, her again) informed us that it’s a rough town. In fact, as rough as it gets in LA. Thinking back, even the Cop at the airport told us to “just keep on driving” when we nervously asked him about Inglewood. Despite having a body that could protect him from a metorite, I hear that all night this played on Dan’s mind. Awww bless. Knowing this, we pack up out stuff early morning aware that the west coast await us…
We’ve adapted well to the driving style over here, Ben particularly. The auto gearbox feels slightly strange at first but soon becomes second nature as goes driving on the wrong side of the road!
Is it true they don’t really ‘do’ roundabouts over here!?
We manage to reach Santa Monica by late morning. We park up and take a stroll on the world famous pier. Like a group of big kids, we head straight on to the ferris wheel which is where the second picture below was taken from.

Did you know that Route 66 officially terminates in Santa Monica? We didn’t so imagine our joy and surprise when we saw this!

Heading back on to the coast road, we manage to get a snap of this iconic looking piece of mental so naturally couldn’t resist a picture.

We’ve now hit Malibu but annoyingly, to put it mildly, the Sun has not come out to play. We don’t let that put us off so we dress accordingly. Well, everyone except Kev on the left who looks like…….well, I’m not sure what he looks like, I just know he looks a little odd. Well, wouldn’t you if you had boxers, a neck rosary and a hat and shades!?

The coastline spans for miles as you’d expect. Here, then, is just one picture of the scenery that has now become familiar to us in such a short period of time.

We cover another one hundred miles of coast that eventually lands us in a place called Lompoc near Santa Barbara. We rock up to a random B&B equiv and are instantly smitten by the place. It offers accommodation for £15 per person which includes access to a small indoor pool, free WI-FI and breakfast included. We could get used to this!!!
That evening we head to an American sports bar for light munch and some ales on the recommendation of a local. Anybody who has been to tourist America knows how friendly the people are out here, particularly the waitresses.
Here is our new friend, the lovely Tiffany. Kevo exchanged “Facebook” details with her…

All in all, a very fulfilling day.

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