And the surprise is….

Only the world famous MGM Grand hotel for our final two nights in Vegas!
I say old chap this place is huge, I mean really huge. From an exterior perspective there are four or five decent sized outdoor pools whereas inside there are six or seven award winning restaurants.
Here is the iconic MGM lion albeit a gold plated statue of the beast.

Soon after the inital shock dispates a little, Ben and I tell the guys that in order to be able to afford somewhere like this we’ve had to go for a very basic room. They acknowledge this and say aslong as it was in the MGM, they couldn’t care on where or what they sleep.
So clearly they weren’t expecting this…

That’s not all folks. Each room was equipped with a generously sized whirlpool spa and an iPod docking station. Picture the scene if you can…some easy on the ears tunes playing in the background, whirlpool jets on and a cold beer at hand. Pure bliss as these two will testify

Above we see G revealing the chest that makes the men women go wild 🙂
Strangely we seem not to have taken many decent pictures from our room which is a shame as the view was stunning. Managed to find one that shows off the Mandalay Bay

Later that evening we have a liquid dinner from one of the many bars and get chatting to some local girls. Ben and I have already decided that tonight our focus is gambling so we leave the other four to ‘have chats’ and us two take on a couple of casino’s. We stayed at a single roulette wheel in Hooters for nearly three hours! Towards the very end of these memorable three hours, Ben has done well and cashed in with over $50 profit. I, on the other hand, haven’t. After several hours of fairly conservative style betting, enough is enough, we should call it a night. Well, after I place one final bet…
I wack all I have on the table ($25) on RED. I have a 50% chance of winning, 50% chance of losing. Gotta be worth a go, right?
The ball spins……..and spins until of course friction slows it down until it finally settles on a colour…
BLACK !!!! 🙁
Anyway, we get the hell outta there in search of our beds. One man sad, the other happy and unusually it is Ben that is the latter! Good for you mate.
So yes, it was another ridiculously late night. Good times!

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