It’s the day after the evening we arrived in Valencia. We’re just thankful that we don’t have another 250 miles to crunch. Well, not today at least!
As we only have a further full 24 hours here Valencia we agree that we wanna see the town and the coastline if at all possible. To a get a move on, this once again calls for the Metro.

The reason Danny Stew has his shades on is because there is a hottie sat in front of him so his darkened shades give an extra layer of protection against his wondering eyes. My brother chooses a slightly more direct approach and attempts to almost “stare her out”
Not far from where we depart the Metro was the Valencia bull-ring so naturally we get a couple of snaps in from the outside

We wonder the streets always on the look-out for little gifts for loved ones back home. We stop for a bite to eat in this place for obvious reasoning

Now, I’m not sure how many of you know but out of a small number of less than 20 Grand Prix race tracks around the big wide world, there are actually two held in Spain; one in Barcelona (obviously if you have been following our adventure) and the second only happens to be here in Valencia and we’re sat on it……………..quite literally.

Ooops, did I neglect to mention that it’s a street circuit!!! Yes, that is Kennedy comically sat on an apex of the street circuit where the F1 cars, come June time will be thundering round!
And the bridge…

So that’s two F1 circuits in as many days! Not bad going…
We finish up down here and agree that it’s so lovely down here on the coast compared to the area our hotel is situated that we’ll come back down here in the evening to eat and drink.
And that’s exactly what we did just a few hours later…

Yes, that’s a rare picture of me, by myself. You lot know I don’t pictures and stuff, hence no Facebook etc. My brother inherited the posing side of the gene-pool 🙂
We sink a few more and then stumble upon a place near the beach where our dish is no other than the nations favourite: Paella

Another great day and night enjoyed by all.
Tomorrow’s destination is the capital; Madrid.

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