It’s the morning after my 30th. I am thankful of not having to nurse a seriously bad hangover because the lads were kind to me knowing that cos we were up so early today for the F1, my leathal conconuction of spirits will be postponed for another day.
We scoff breakfast and promptly check out of our hotel. Destination: Circuit de Catalyuna.
It’s a short drive to the circuit but the excitement builds well before then due to the ambient noise. We arrive towards the end of the first practise session so the F1 cars are are actually out on track as we arrive into the vast complex.
Even the likes of G and Kev are somewhat flabbergasted at what they’re hearing from a far. The track still appears to be someway in the distance but there is no escaping the noise, even from so far away. Little do they know just how piercing that sound will become in a couple of hours time when we’re on the main straight.
By the time we get past security and park up, the F1 cars are now “resting” ready for next session in a couple of hours time. Here’s the opening view we have of the track – not too bad hey! 🙂

Friday session tickets seem to be advantageous in two ways:
1) They’re relatively cheap and 2) you get to sit in pretty much in any stand you want. For example, we walk to main grandstand on the main straight where we’re wanting to sit for the start of the second practice session which is almost ready to start.
Here is the right exterior of the main stand in all its glory and after, a picture of us in the stand

The seats we’re currently sat in would cost in excess of £400 GBP on actual race day. Today, we’ve paid £45. Genuine bargain we feel!
To put into perspective, you near ear plugs and on occasion, still need to put your hands over you ears holding the ear plugs, especially when the Renaults rock on by! It’s great to see the faces, or more accurately, the open-mouth stunned expression of the lads. There really is nothing quite like the sound of an F1 car – let alone all of them firing down the main straight at once!
From this privileged postition we get some amazing pictures as we are sat pretty much directly opposite the Red bull and Mclaren team garages as these pics will show

This really is an incedible feeling. One we’ll all rememeber for sometime I’m sure. If the memories ever start to fade, the recollection of the noise will not. Truly relentless!
Here are some other action shots of the cars we took

We purchase a little merchandise, as you do, and take a of quick pic of Kev modelling MY Redbull top.

How’s this for confused: I’m wearing a Ferrari top, bought a Red bull item of clothing but really only wanted Mclaren goods! Although strangely they seem to warrant a higher price tag than everything else! After 30 minutes or so, we explore other parts of the circuit and enjoy more views of the cars.
After such a day, we don’t have time to rest as we’re now off to Valencia! That is a four hour drive down the coast! Over 250 miles still to cover. Bad times! Although for Kings of Europe, you know we’ll get the job done! Albeit absolutley knackered by the time we arrive.
About half way through the big drive, Kenners is out for the count. The guys grab an amusing passing shot from inside their car at a steady 75MPH. Lightweight.

Several hours later we do indeed make Valencia and we are indeed shattered. We grab a pizza nearby to our hotel and later take a brief stroll to work off the big eat we’ve just mullered.

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