Today we return to Andorra. When we were first there two years ago never did we think we’d be coming back, such is its remoteness. In less than three hours we’ll be back on its sacred soil.
We head south from Toulouse and not before long, are reunited with visions of the Pyrenees albeit still from a distance. Some of the guys in ‘the support vehicle’ have never seen snow-topped mountains in the middle of summer so it’s great to see them in such awe, as the rest of us are all over again.

For the next couple of hours we blast through some spectacular roads and breathtaking scenery and the occasional tunnel until we reach the ultimate. See for yourselves the road/mountain we have just ascended. This is what it’s all about; this makes it all worth it and what keeps us ‘real’ petrolheads coming back for more year after year.
We shortly afterwards reach Andorra and check into our hotel. We fling our stuff into our rooms and proceed to take on the town center to explore the city.
How’s that one done? Abracadabra, that’s how.
We reminisce of last time we were here and naturally share our past stories and memories to a seemingly disinterested Gino and Kev. They are itching for pool time so back to the hotel we go for a gym sess, (sad I know) swim and sauna whilst the rest of us hit the warm and cozy jacuzzi.
As you’d expect we dined well in the evening. In addition to a couple of Lamb shanks, BBQ racked ribs, a couple of the lads went for “roasted piglet”!?
That’s pretty much all there is to say about today. We’re all a bit shattered, that long but exhilarating and truly rewarding drive took it out of us. It makes sense to rest well as I sense there won’t be much rest time come tomorrow: BARCELONA.
We’re expecting further spectacular roads and scenery so hopefully that won’t fail to disappoint.

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