A fairly relaxed start to the morning after a busy day previously, it’s a short journey up the coast until our next hotel; destination Biarritz. The Basque’s Monaco. We initially find we are sharing the road with a local marathon being run but are soon back on the open roads. One fuel stop for the Porsche costing nearly 70 euros!!! and some 40 minutes later we reach our hotel, Le Grande Large.

Always one hey! 🙂
When we get to check-in to our room, we’re chuffed with the view we have of the coast from our studio for four room.
With our bags unpacked, we head down towards the plaza and grab some Panini’s and check out the local talent shops. We head to the beach where we spent a few hours bathing and debating whether we’ve got what it takes to head into the choppy sea. It later transpires that we didn’t, although it was freezing – honest! We did however sit by the beach for several hours tanning and appreciating the sound of the sea as the hectic waves crashed into the shore. A surfers paradise.
What we do decide to do at least is to head to our pool as we hope it will be a warmer (it was). After a couple of late afternoon sneaky ones alongside pool time, Kenners is ready to spring off of a spring board and we’re there to capture the shot in all its glory!
Time has honesty flown by this afternoon and before we realise it’s 7pm. We head back to our rooms to get ready and then take on the town. The plan for tonight is of course, fine food, expensive wine and the Biarritz Casino! Time to head off……..in style
Starters consisted of Squid, Chorizo, baked Camembert and well, one of those things my brother and I used to catch when we were little. First time I’d eaten of the little blighters before! Tasty, though, I can now report
Rather annoyingly we didn’t quite make the Casino. Well, actually we did but or were promptly turned away for having no ID. Not a mistake we’ll be making again this holiday. Still, our wallets we’re thankful for the rest! We sink a couple more ales and then head off to bed as tomorrow we’ve got a big drive ahead of us. Our aim is to reach mainland Toulouse and pick Big G and Stoker up from their Easyjet flight in mid afternoon time.

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