Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Who remembers the original?

Here is our impromtu attempt at a 2011 remake:

Yes, that’s Alex and I at one the UK airports trying to re-inact the sketch. To do this we had to ask a stranger to take a picture of us. Needless to say the kind chap was somewhat perplexed by our ‘strange’ photo.
But hey this is now, 11am. Just like in Hollywood movies, let’s first rewind by six or seven hours…
So other than a couple of wild nights in Sin City back in 2010, I ain’t really used to getting IN or getting UP at stupid o’clock in the morning. Today was a serious exception. As the two weeping slits on my face tried to depixelate a green blur, they eventually settled on something that they don’t ever wanna see again in a hurry

Not long after this, we hoped into a taxi and headed to Templemeads to catch a train to London Paddington. Next, simply off to Heathrow then, right?…………… if only!
First stop is to Liverpool street via the tube. Easy you would think except of all the weekends in the year, we pick the one where serious maintenance is happening on the lines and naturally, this work was on the few lines that we needed. Bong. It begins!

Having eventually made it to our destination, we then caught the Stansted Express to take us to the airport. At this point we were just a couple of hours away from our Easyjet flight to Bilbao. Yippee! Time for a quick manly Orange Juice beer!
Assuming we arrive in Bilbao on time, we had planned this so that despite having left a whole day before us, the time discrepancy between our arrival and the guys was a mere two hours! By the time we pick up our hire car and therefore complete Plain, Trains and Automobiles, get to the destination of our pre-booked hotel, Alex and I hope to still be an hour or so ahead of the others. Time for a quick shower and off to find a nice bar/restaurant on the coast of San Sebastian.
Mind you, this is all speculative right now because of course we’re still in Stansted right now and there is always the possibility that Kennedy has got boozed-up last night trying to re-live “the good old days” and fell overboard.
San Sebastian is on the Bay of Biscay. Here is an aerial shot that I’ve pinched from the web.

Breathtaking, no?
I’ll give you an update either tonight or early tomorrow if 2 do indeed become 4. No doubt both parties will have a lot of tales for each other from the last 24 hours.l
In the meantime, Alex and I walk the truly stunning promenade and grab a few pics

The local time had just passed 8.30pm and Alex and I have been on our feet for well over 12 hours but right now we separate ourselves from tiredness because we’ve done it! In the not so distant backdrop, we see two ‘body like Baywatch, face like Crimewatch’ chaps heading toward us. It was them. 2 had become 4 After big hugs, we grab another stranger to take our first group photo.
Needless to say we took advantage of the remaining sunshine and grabbed a beer…in style. This setting conjures up memories of the South of France in a couple of years back

As I write this, I have been awake for 19 hours. My lady knows how knackered I get after 12 so this is new limits!
The question now becomes, can 4 become 6. Tune in on Monday to see what unfolds…

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