For once we awake fairly refreshed. This is because it wasn’t a heavy night last night as two of the guys; Ben and Kev, are to set off early this morning as they are taking the Porsche home meaning the dreaded return voyage home of the 24 hour ferry sail.
We all massively respect Ben for doing the double ferry stint meaning others won’t have to. A big thanks to Kevin also.
The remaining four lads try to make the most of the morning/early afternoon with the majority the time taken up from the stadium tour – and what a tour it was with many photos taken. Here are just a few:
Firstly, one of the many trophies and trophy rooms

Followed by a picture of my brother Di Maria

Comon, that was uncanny!
We work our way to the changing rooms of the away team dressing room. Here we can see the players doing up their boots…

Next, followed by Gino Mourinho stating his orders to the players on the pitch whilst the super-subs look on

And now, the money shot. What a view, what a stadium.

When we finish up here, we grab some lunch and then take off to reach Madrid airport for our flight home.
After an uneventful but safe flight, we set foot on British soil and oh my, it’s so cold and windy! Surprised? Guess I shouldn’t be…
So after nearly two weeks and over 1000 miles later, our journey is finally at an end.
In the four years we’ve doing this, pretty much everything has gone to plan. Considering where we’ve been and what we’ve done, we’re either very lucky or there has been a great brain behind them. I like to think a bit of both! 🙂
Final few words? Well, it would be wrong not to use a couple of cliches…
“All good things come to an end” and “Quit whilst we’re ahead“.
Thank you everybody. See you on those nice and simple, relatively stress free package holidays.
In a strange way, I can’t wait…