We realised last night that we haven’t as yet had a chance to enjoy a proper French continental breakfast ‘alfresco’ style so that is the first thing we set out for today. Unsurprisingly finding a Patisserie wasn’t too difficult.

After breakfast we stroll not very far on to the famous Promenade de Anglais and marvel at just how near the plane’s come to us before shortly after touching down on Nice runway.
I ‘plane-spotted’ a BA and the Orange coloured one too.

Despite the local TV showing earlier on an expected 28 degrees, it’s still quite cloudy so topping up the tan plan hasn’t gone as I’d hoped but as you can see, there are early signs of human life so time to seriously debate what next to do.

Well, if you can’t beat them…
(Just don’t drown and require rescuing).

We get on to the beach and suddenly we’re faced with two options: rest on a very pebbly beach for free or pay 18 Euros for an exclusively private area with sun lounger. This is a good test for y’all. Make up your minds which way we (I) went and I’ll let you know the outcome later on.
After a couple of hours we decide we really should make the most of our exclusive roof-top pool area back at the hotel so decide to finish up the remainder of the afternoon there.

In the evening we continue to walk along the Promenade de Anglais in full appreciation of it and in particular, Nice itself. Yes, you could say that on first glance a walk here is no different to almost anywhere else but there is so much more here. The place has character, it has charm and it offers class in abundance. This coupled with an unusually slow pace and the streets not being rammed full of people means that really is a nice time to visit here and as such, has left a lasting impression on us.
I’m half thinking my brother Gino may actually ‘do it well’ for his Stag doo next year having now learned that Nice is a short, inexpensive plane journey and even accessible from Bristol Airport of all places. If the price is right, it could be hard to beat as it has it all but in saying that, perhaps Nice is too nice (see what I did there) for loads of lads parading through the streets. I guess it depends on the company. I’ll bow out here and leave it to him to ask my questions if he so wishes. Did I mention there are Casinos on the front?
Tonight is our last night in this charming city and spectacular hotel and admittedly we’re a bit disheartened. Understandably all surprises have to come to an end expect you guessed it, there is still more to come. You could say there are 1 or 2 more days left and despite all that has been seen so far, the piece de resistance is yet to come…
I have heard there is an even larger Jewel in the Crown down here, just where to find it?……

I think we should go RIGHT.
Oh, and I chose the pebbles stuck in ya back free option of course 🙂

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