So after ‘that’ 7 hour train journey yesterday the last thing you would think we would want do is get on another train this morning but yet that is what has to be done. Strangely though, neither of us are phased by this as it’s more exciting than anything else, especially for Kate who is of course oblivious to the next stage of our journey.
We arrive at the train station we came into yesterday and immediately become part of the hustle and bustle. We locate the ticket booth and get some tickets printed. It is only now she sees where we’re headed:

I then explain to her that although geographically Marseille is indeed South of France, this is not necessarily synonymous with ‘the’ South of France. To say you’ve done what I consider, South of France, you have to go somewhere like this:

A special shout-out to the Trip Europe boys that I hope are reading this. Yep lads, I’m back but this time I’ve made it to NICE. Actually, the train ride into Nice hugs the coastline similar in areas to where we drove so needless to say I thought of you all and our truly indescribable trip in 2009. The train also passed the Juan Les Pins train station and I laughed, out loud when I saw that name again.
Nice Lobster, Dan 🙂
We depart at Nice Ville knowing there is a mere ten minute walk to the hotel. With luggage and 25 degrees, this wasn’t easy but we made it. Genuinely no hotels caught my eye during the ten minute walk but the hotel we were staying at was enough to stop me (bear in mind I had already booked it) in my tracks.

I just didn’t remember seeing from the website how stunning the exterior was.The lobby/reception is equally as stunning with Japanese influence instantly noticeable. One hotel porter takes our luggage, the other gives us a guided tour of the room – or should that be mini apartment. Seriously, the entire room has marble floors – it’s like being in Hayley Evan’s Kitchen.
I find myself genuinely overwhelmed; oddly more so than Kate it feels? I think it’s because I don’t remember seeing pictures quite like this so it was the feeling of getting so much more for the money if that makes any sense. This ‘room’ has a fridge, several TV’s, microwave, cooker and even a dishwasher for goodness sake.

The bedroom is glorious as you would expect with two Japanese style doors to open and close the entrance into the bedroom.

Oh, and our very own wet-room with mini jet spray outlets. As our saying goes, you’ve all taken that well, very well. In fact, why am I writing this when I should be in there!?

It’s fair to say that this is probably the best hotel room I’ve ever stayed in and the best decorated, modern hotel although pound for pound the MGM Grand from back in 2010 could rival the room.
In the evening we dined somewhere in the backstreets to keep the cost down (smart move). After we finished our relatively cheap but good quality three courses, we then went and blew 15 euros on two drinks in a Cuban bar (not so smart move). Mind you that got Kate’s ‘Shakira, Shakira’ moving so good times for all 🙂
Needless to say I knew we’d want at least two nights here so we are here for another day hopefully meaning some pictures of the famous ‘Promenade de Anglais’, beach time and I’ll show some other little delights this hotel offers.

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