Happier Mr Kennedy?
Only fifteen minutes before this picture was taken neither of the lovely ladies knew any of this was happening. I find out that Ben had told Zoe they were off to watch the Paralympics which was a good enough white lie to throw even her sniffer-dog nose and sharp instincts off scent. Kate and I traveled up with my folks who were equally helpful at throwing Madam off scent.
St Pancras International was a colossus of a building. The last season of the Apprentice filmed an episode at the station but looking back even that failed to convey the vastness of this place. It felt more like an airport than a railway station. Anyway, we weren’t here to see the Paralympics; we weren’t here to see London. We were here to board one of these:

This is the vessel that carries just passengers not cars so a first for each of us. Finally the girls cotton on to where it is we are going. Have any of you?
Ok well, the name of the city on the train may have helped them!
As we’ve come with bags, and I mean a lot of bags – the girls are forgiven for thinking we’re going camping! After all, we have with us suitcases (obviously) but also mini fold away chairs, an umbrella and a couple of cool boxes. They seem to be surprisingly relieved when we check into a hotel.
So what to make of Bruxelles? Well, it appears at first sight to be a hugely multicultural, bustling city and evidently very business orientated with skyscrapers everywhere and so far, no sight of Jean Claude Van Damme!? It would take weeks to fully immerse one’s self into this city and the various cultures but that’s not what we’re here to do so we quickly check in and immediately head out for the obvious

Except whilst Ben and Kate explore the delicate delights of the food menu, Zoe Phibbz has other ideas:

Here is Ben looking like he’s starring in a drinks advertisement.

So what are we in Bruxelles to do? Well if it’s not already obvious to some of you, you’ll have to find out tomorrow… just like the women are having to.
RIP Nana.x

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